Objective Data-oriented Programming
Taichi is a data-oriented programming (DOP) language. However, simple DOP makes modularization hard.
To allow modularized code, Taichi borrow some concepts from object-oriented programming (OOP).
For convenience, let's call the hybrid scheme objective data-oriented programming (ODOP).
Data-oriented classes
If you need to define a Taichi kernel as a Python class member function, please decorate the class with a @ti.data_oriented
decorator. You can then define ti.kernel
s and ti.func
s in your data-oriented Python class.
The first argument of the function should be the class instance ("self
"), unless you are defining a @staticmethod
A brief example:
class TiArray:
def __init__(self, n):
self.x = ti.field(dtype=ti.i32, shape=n)
def inc(self):
for i in self.x:
self.x[i] += 1
a = TiArray(32)
Definitions of Taichi fields can be made not only in init functions, but also at any place of a Python-scope function in a data-oriented class. For example,
import taichi as ti
class MyClass:
def inc(self, temp: ti.template()):
for I in ti.grouped(temp):
temp[I] += 1
def call_inc(self):
def allocate_temp(self, n):
self.temp = ti.field(dtype = ti.i32, shape=n)
a = MyClass()
# a.call_inc() cannot be called, since a.temp has not been allocated at this point
print(a.temp) # [2 2 2 2]
print(a.temp) # [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
Another memory recycling example:
import taichi as ti
class Calc:
def __init__(self):
self.x = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=16)
self.y = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=4)
def func(self, temp: ti.template()):
for i in range(8):
temp[i] = self.x[i * 2] + self.x[i * 2 + 1]
for i in range(4):
self.y[i] = max(temp[i * 2], temp[i * 2 + 1])
def call_func(self):
fb = ti.FieldsBuilder()
temp = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32)
fb.dense(ti.i, 8).place(temp)
tree = fb.finalize()
a = Calc()
for i in range(16):
a.x[i] = i
print(a.y) # [ 5. 13. 21. 29.]
Inheritance of data-oriented classes
The data-oriented property will be automatically carried beyond the Python class inheriting. This means the Taichi Kernel could be called while any of the ancestor classes are decorated by the @ti.data_oriented
An example:
import taichi as ti
class BaseClass:
def __init__(self):
self.n = 10
self.num = ti.field(dtype=ti.i32, shape=(self.n, ))
def count(self) -> ti.i32:
ret = 0
for i in range(self.n):
ret += self.num[i]
return ret
def add(self, d: ti.i32):
for i in range(self.n):
self.num[i] += d
class DataOrientedClass(BaseClass):
class DeviatedClass(DataOrientedClass):
def sub(self, d: ti.i32):
for i in range(self.n):
self.num[i] -= d
a = DeviatedClass()
print(a.count()) # 0
b = DataOrientedClass()
print(b.count()) # 1
c = BaseClass()
# c.add(3)
# print(c.count())
# The two lines above will trigger a kernel define error, since class c is not decorated by @ti.data_oriented
Python built-in decorators
Common decorators that are pre-built in Python, @staticmethod
1 and @classmethod
2, could decorate to a Taichi kernel in data-oriented classes.
example :
import taichi as ti
class Array2D:
def __init__(self, n, m, increment):
self.n = n
self.m = m
self.val = ti.field(ti.f32)
self.total = ti.field(ti.f32)
self.increment = float(increment)
ti.root.dense(ti.ij, (self.n, self.m)).place(self.val)
def clamp(x): # Clamp to [0, 1)
return max(0., min(1 - 1e-6, x))
def inc(self):
for i, j in self.val:
ti.atomic_add(self.val[i, j], self.increment)
def inc2(self, increment: ti.i32):
for i, j in self.val:
ti.atomic_add(self.val[i, j], increment)
def reduce(self):
for i, j in self.val:
ti.atomic_add(self.total[None], self.val[i, j] * 4)
arr = Array2D(2, 2, 3)
double_total = ti.field(ti.f32, shape=())
print(arr.val[0, 0]) # 3
print(arr.val[0, 0]) # 7
with ti.ad.Tape(loss=arr.total):
for i in range(arr.n):
for j in range(arr.m):
print(arr.val.grad[i, j]) # 4
def double():
double_total[None] = 2 * arr.total[None]
with ti.ad.Tape(loss=double_total):
for i in range(arr.n):
for j in range(arr.m):
print(arr.val.grad[i, j]) # 8
import taichi as ti
class Counter:
num_ = ti.field(dtype=ti.i32, shape=(32, ))
def __init__(self, data_range):
self.range = data_range
self.add(data_range[0], data_range[1], 1)
def add(cls, l: ti.i32, r: ti.i32, d: ti.i32):
for i in range(l, r):
cls.num_[i] += d
def num(self) -> ti.i32:
ret = 0
for i in range(self.range[0], self.range[1]):
ret += self.num_[i]
return ret
a = Counter((0, 5))
print(a.num()) # 5
b = Counter((4, 10))
print(a.num()) # 6
print(b.num()) # 7
Taichi dataclasses
Taichi provides custom struct types for developers to associate pieces of data together. However, it is often convenient to have:
- A Python representation of the struct type which is more object oriented.
- Functions associated with a struct type. (C++ style structs)
To achieve these two points, developers can use the @ti.dataclass
decorator on a Python class. This is heavily inspired by the Python dataclass feature, which uses class fields with annotations to create data types.
Creating a struct from a Python class
Here is an example of how we could create a Taichi struct type from a Python class:
class Sphere:
center: vec3
radius: ti.f32
This will create the exact same type as doing:
Sphere = ti.types.struct(center=vec3, radius=ti.f32)
Using the @ti.dataclass
decorator will convert the annotated fields in the Python class to members in the resulting struct type. In both of the above examples you would create a field of the struct the same way.
sphere_field = Sphere.field(shape=(n,))
Associating functions with the struct type
Python classes can have functions attached to them, as can Taichi struct types. Building from the above example, here is how one would add functions to the struct.
class Sphere:
center: vec3
radius: ti.f32
def area(self):
# a function to run in taichi scope
return 4 * math.pi * self.radius * self.radius
def is_zero_sized(self):
# a python scope function
return self.radius == 0.0
Functions associated with structs follow the same scope rules as normal functions, in that they can be in Taichi or Python scope. Each instance of the Sphere
struct type now will have the above functions added to them. The functions can be called such as:
a_python_struct = Sphere(center=vec3(0.0), radius=1.0)
# calls a python scope function from python
a_python_struct.is_zero_sized() # False
def get_area() -> ti.f32:
a_taichi_struct = Sphere(center=vec3(0.0), radius=4.0)
# return the area of the sphere, a taichi scope function
return a_taichi_struct.area()
get_area() # 201.062...
- Inheritance of Taichi dataclasses is not implemented.
- While functions attached to a struct with the
decorator is convenient and encouraged, it is actually possible to associate a function to structs with the older method of defining structs. As mentioned above, the two methods for defining a struct type are identical in their output. To do this, use the__struct_methods
argument with theti.types.struct
def area(self):
# a function to run in taichi scope
return 4 * math.pi * self.radius * self.radius
Sphere = ti.types.struct(center=vec3, radius=ti.f32,
__struct_methods={'area': area})