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Version: v1.1.2

Markdown Syntax

This section briefly introduces syntax that will help you write documentation on this website. Note that the documentation is written in an extended version of Markdown, so most of the time you don't need special syntax besides the basic Markdown syntax.

Code blocks

This website supports inserting code blocks with highlighted lines. For example, the following snippet:

```python {1-2,4,6}
def paint(t: float):
for i, j in pixels: # Parallelized over all pixels
c = ti.Vector([-0.8, ti.cos(t) * 0.2])
z = ti.Vector([i / n - 1, j / n - 0.5]) * 2
iterations = 0
while z.norm() < 20 and iterations < 50:
z = complex_sqr(z) + c
iterations += 1
pixels[i, j] = 1 - iterations * 0.02

will result in a code block like:
def paint(t: float):
for i, j in pixels: # Parallelized over all pixels
c = ti.Vector([-0.8, ti.cos(t) * 0.2])
z = ti.Vector([i / n - 1, j / n - 0.5]) * 2
iterations = 0
while z.norm() < 20 and iterations < 50:
z = complex_sqr(z) + c
iterations += 1
pixels[i, j] = 1 - iterations * 0.02


| Some Table Col 1 | Some Table Col 2 |
| :--------------: | :--------------: |
| Val1 | Val4 |
| Val2 | Val5 |
| Val3 | Val6 |
Some Table Col 1Some Table Col 2

Tables Generator is a great tool for generating and re-formatting Markdown tables.


To link to another section within the same article, you would use [Return to ## 1. Code blocks](#1-code-blocks): Return to ## 1. Code blocks.

We follow the best practices suggested by Docusaurus to cross-reference other documents, so to link to sections in other articles, please use the following relative-path based syntax, which is docs-versioning and IDE/GitHub friendly:

Centered text blocks

To make a text or image block centered, use:


Centered Text Block!


Centered Text Block!


You HAVE TO insert blank lines to make them work:




Text with color backgrounds

You could use the following to highlight your text:

<span id="inline-blue"> Text with a blue background </span>,
<span id="inline-purple"> Text with a purple background </span>,
<span id="inline-yellow"> Text with a yellow background </span>,
<span id="inline-green"> Text with a green background </span>
Text with a blue background , Text with a purple background , Text with a yellow background , Text with a green background

Custom containers

As you already saw in this guide several times, you could add custom containers:

This is a tip without a title!

This is a tip without a title!

:::tip TITLE
This is a tip with a title!

This is a tip with a title!

This is a note!

This is a note!

:::caution WARNING
This is a warning!

This is a warning!

:::danger DANGER
This is a danger!

This is a danger!

Code groups

You could also insert tab-based code groups:

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

{label: 'Apple', value: 'apple'},
{label: 'Orange', value: 'orange'},
{label: 'Banana', value: 'banana'},
<TabItem value="apple">This is an apple 🍎.</TabItem>
<TabItem value="orange">This is an orange 🍊.</TabItem>
<TabItem value="banana">This is a banana 🍌.</TabItem>
This is an apple 🍎.
## Footnotes

To add footnotes, use:

This sentence[^1] has two footnotes[^2]. (See the footnotes at the bottom of this guide.)

[^1]: I'm a footnote!
[^2]: I'm also a footnote!

which results in:

This sentence1 has two footnotes2. (See the footnotes at the bottom of this guide.)


Inserting images is as straight-forward as using the ordinary Markdown syntax:



In-line Table of Contents (ToC)

You could use:

import TOCInline from '@theme/TOCInline';

<TOCInline toc={toc} />

to insert an in-line ToC:

  1. I'm a footnote!
  2. I'm also a footnote!